A Key West journey with the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults is my way of honoring the life of our daughter Grace G. Erline, our angel who returned to heaven November 2015 at the age of 24.
I am biking with this amazing family of individuals / riders / drivers / staff to express my love and compassion for ALL who are impacted by cancer.
Making this committment and joining this community of like- minded loving people is comforting & heart warming...
Hope to have your support and I look forward to seeing you along the way!
I continue to be overwhelmed with the generosity, support & LOVE...there is Good in the World! Thank You!!
Share the Love! Stay in love! Semding Love!
The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, impacted by cancer. With your support, the Ulman Cancer Fund is able to provide free support services and resources for the young adult cancer community including:
Cancer to 5K - a 12-week training program designed to introduce or reintroduce cancer survivors to physical activity.
UCF House - a “home away from home” to provide free housing for young adult cancer patients, and their caregivers, in East Baltimore.
Patient Navigation - a free program (onsite at cancer centers and remotely through our office) that ensures no young adult ever faces cancer alone. We provide one-on-one support & resources to young adults and their families to help them manage the cancer experience and long-term cancer survival.
Scholarships - a financial assistance program to help young adults continue their education after being affected by cancer through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one.
Your donation will help make these programs and our mission possible!
Supporters | |||
Name | Date | Amount | Comments |
Timothy F Magdar | 05/07/2018 | $50.00 | Cynthia M Broydrick | 04/30/2018 | $250.00 | Kathy Kreft | 04/18/2018 | $100.00 | From Steve & Lisa Prisco "say it LOUD" Ride Rick 4 Grace! | Kathy Kreft | 04/16/2018 | $50.00 | From Sherry & Chuck Darney ~ Go Rick ~ Sending you OUR Prayers & Love! | Sharon Kirsch | 04/16/2018 | $50.00 | Mary Peacock | 04/15/2018 | $20.00 | Celeste Lee | 04/15/2018 | $50.00 | An incredible journey...sending love, be safe! | Christopher Mills | 04/14/2018 | $50.00 | Shanon Quetel | 04/13/2018 | $50.00 | Wishing you a wonderful, safe journey Rick! Much Love❤️ | Evelyn and Anthony Portera | 04/13/2018 | $350.00 | Nester Family | 04/13/2018 | $100.00 | We’ll be thinking of you Rick...and the great team at Ulman behind this terrific and inspiring event. Good luck!! | Jodi Heston | 04/13/2018 | $50.00 | Rick, what an inspiration you are! Best, The Heston family | Luann Brown | 04/13/2018 | $250.00 | Go Rick Go! We are so proud of you! | Joanne Clasing | 04/12/2018 | $30.00 | Good Luck on your journey. Love to you and Kathy. | Nancy Kane | 04/12/2018 | $200.00 | What a wonderful way to honor Grace and her legacy! Grace is always in our thoughts and prayers. Ride Rick Ride! Love you guys!❤️ | Faith Erline | 04/12/2018 | $100.00 | From Faith & Nick - we love you & are proud of you, Dad/Rick! | Jane Kotowski | 04/11/2018 | $50.00 | Wishing you the best! | Sharon & Tim Compton | 04/11/2018 | $100.00 | Debra Towson | 04/10/2018 | $150.00 | Good Luck! You're an inspiration to us!Richard and Debbie | Roger Messick | 04/10/2018 | $75.00 | Rick and Kathy, Keep up the good work. And Rick, ride with the wind. Roger | Gordon B Shelton | 04/09/2018 | $300.00 | Anonymous Friend | 04/08/2018 | $50.00 | Nancy Wallis Teasley | 04/06/2018 | $100.00 | Good luck on your journey and enjoy the ride! | Linda Schulte | 04/06/2018 | $100.00 | Good luck Rick!!! | Emily Osenburg | 04/03/2018 | $300.00 | John And Gina Bennett | 04/02/2018 | $100.00 | Rock on, my brother! | Anonymous Friend | 03/31/2018 | $1,000.00 | Sean Keehan | 03/30/2018 | $100.00 | Lauren Heyliger | 03/30/2018 | $100.00 | Thank you for sharing your love and riding to honor my Dad’s life as well. ❤️ | Keely Ireland | 03/22/2018 | $20.00 | Welcome to the K2K family! Remember it's not about the bike it's about the journey! | Rick Erline | 03/16/2018 | $.00 | Ray Hensberger | 03/16/2018 | $100.00 | Ride hard! | Paul Desimone | 03/11/2018 | $150.00 | Have a good Ride! | Margaret M Castagna | 03/10/2018 | $25.00 | Peg Anft | 03/09/2018 | $50.00 | Good luck! Live you!!! | Joseph L Dulsky | 03/08/2018 | $100.00 | Pamela Hundley | 03/07/2018 | $100.00 | What an amazing way to honor Grace, share your memories and make new ones that she is still a part of. Wishing you safe travels! | Stephanie Eckhart | 03/01/2018 | $50.00 | Candice C Van Scoy | 02/28/2018 | $100.00 | Connie Urps | 02/28/2018 | $25.00 | Good luck Rick Erline!! | Ellen Dyer | 02/26/2018 | $50.00 | Eileen Lamasa | 02/24/2018 | $25.00 | Richard Shovel | 02/22/2018 | $30.00 | Good luck Rick!! | Jane Timmons | 02/21/2018 | $25.00 | In support of Rick Erline's Ride | Laura McVicker | 02/21/2018 | $25.00 | Praying for you and a safe ride. | Scott and Shuman, P.A. | 02/21/2018 | $25.00 | Martha B Lessner | 02/21/2018 | $100.00 | Jane Jenkins Holcomb | 02/20/2018 | $50.00 | Kathy Kreft | 02/16/2018 | $150.00 | Ann Nash $50.00 Ray & Julia Hensberger $100.00 | Michelle Thomas | 02/15/2018 | $20.00 | Good Luck Mr. Rick!!! | Kathy Bosley | 02/15/2018 | $25.00 | Good Luck Rick. | Jason And Paula Schoppert | 02/15/2018 | $200.00 | We are with you every pedal of the way! Grace remains in our thoughts and minds every day. | Lisa Koppenhaver | 02/15/2018 | $50.00 | Miss Grace every day. Hope our donations will help others. | Jean Raymond | 02/15/2018 | $25.00 | Karen Grande | 02/15/2018 | $25.00 | Best of luck, Rick! | Theresa Tsamoutalis | 02/14/2018 | $25.00 | Rick Erline have a great race!! | Katrina Wagner | 02/12/2018 | $50.00 | Go, Rick! | Lori McGinley | 02/05/2018 | $30.00 | Best Wishes for a successful ride Rick! Lori (Crofton Children’s Centre) | Amie Erline | 02/02/2018 | $100.00 | Love from Amie & Steve! Our prayers are with you for a successful journey :) | Alaina Kreft | 01/31/2018 | $200.00 | From Steve, Chris, Andy and Alaina. Love ya guys | Dave Lanphar | 01/31/2018 | $1,000.00 | From your Family of Friends at Fidelity Engineering | Nicole Massoni | 01/29/2018 | $50.00 | Miss her beautiful face, everyday! Enjoy the ride..she will be with you through it all! <3 | Kathy Kreft | 01/26/2018 | $400.00 | Joanna & Tom Lyckberg $50; Margaret Smith $20; Mary Richardson $50; Lola Kreft $50; Lynn Flaherty $50; Peg Thomson $100:Donna Smith$30 Susan Wojciechowski $30 | Sally Mastroberti | 01/25/2018 | $25.00 | Such a great adventure for a wonderful cause!! Miss you!! | Patti & Ron Long | 01/25/2018 | $25.00 | Enjoy the ride Rick! Grace will be with you the whole way!! Safe travels! | Tom Bond | 01/24/2018 | $100.00 | Rick, enjoy the ride, I'm sure you will see and sense Grace in all that nature provides. What an amazing connection for dad and daughter. | Jennifer Sproul | 01/19/2018 | $50.00 | Greg & Chris Massoni | 01/19/2018 | $100.00 | The eternal spirit of beautiful Grace remains alive in the hearts of all who love her! May God bless Rick and Kathy in their journey of love and remembrance... | Joanne Eisenstadt | 01/19/2018 | $50.00 | In memory & honor of our beautiful girls.... | Louise Benach | 01/18/2018 | $50.00 | You go Rick, best wishes for a successful ride! Loves and hugs, Louise, Roxanne, Dave and Matt Benach | Donna DellaRose | 01/18/2018 | $100.00 | Ride Rick Ride in loving memory of our beautiful amazing Grace. Love, The DellaRose's | Ann Quasman | 01/18/2018 | $100.00 | Enjoy the ride to a beautiful destination - what a lovely way to honor the amazing Grace. Blessings... | Leslie Weichsel | 01/18/2018 | $50.00 | Foster and Betsy Anft | 01/17/2018 | $150.00 | We’ve been arguing with each other about what to write here for the past 10 minutes. But we both agree that we love you guys! | Linda Tice | 01/17/2018 | $100.00 | Have a great time, Rick! | Barbara Wurster | 01/15/2018 | $100.00 | A wonderful thing for you to do, Rick. Best wishes. | Sherri Pollock | 01/15/2018 | $50.00 | Love lives! What a great way to pay it forward to show your love | Paula Kane | 01/14/2018 | $75.00 | So much love for Grace! | Trish Kane | 01/14/2018 | $50.00 | What a beautiful way to honor Grace! | Thomas Erline | 01/13/2018 | $500.00 | Sara Steingesser | 01/12/2018 | $50.00 | Peter S Grant | 01/12/2018 | $50.00 | In honor of Amazing Grace. | Charles Eilman | 01/12/2018 | $50.00 | Tim Kreft | 01/10/2018 | $100.00 | Thanks Unkie Rick. Have a great ride | Sharon Manos | 01/10/2018 | $100.00 | Christine Watson | 01/10/2018 | $50.00 | Good luck to you Rick as you begin this worthwhile journey! Grace will always be tucked deep inside my heart. | Carly Zielske | 01/10/2018 | $50.00 | Love to Grace and your entire family, always <3. Sounds like such a beautiful adventure that represents Grace perfectly! |
Total | $9,800.00 |