Brian Brave's Fundraising Page
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Brian Brave's Fundraising Page
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For those who know me my wife is usually the adventurous one in our family. Well, this time it’s my turn! I am excited to be part of the Ulman Cancer Fund Key to Keys Biking Experience for the first time.

I am fortunate as I am a long time cancer survivor. However, many family and friends haven’t been as fortunate. One of those was my brother, Scott, who passed away 25 years ago at the age of 34 from cancer. I always wanted to do something to honor his memory and a few years ago when I met a couple of the riders on a Key to Keys ride, it seemed like a good fit and now the timing is right. There weren’t any support programs like Ulman Cancer Fund when he had his cancer. During this 8 day journey from Baltimore to Key West, I will ride and remember my brother and others who been touched by cancer. I look forward to this journey and what I will learn and experience.

The Ulman Cancer Fund’s vision is to envision a world where no young adult faces cancer alone. By riding in my brother’s memory, I will try to do my part to make a difference. I need your assistance to do my part. If possible, please to contribute to my fundraising page for the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. If you aren’t able to contribute financially, I ask for your moral support and prayers for the safety of myself and the rest of the team.

ABOUT 2018 Key to Keys

The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, impacted by cancer. With your support, the Ulman Cancer Fund is able to provide free support services and resources for the young adult cancer community including:

Cancer to 5K - a 12-week training program designed to introduce or reintroduce cancer survivors to physical activity.

UCF House - a “home away from home” to provide free housing for young adult cancer patients, and their caregivers, in East Baltimore. 

Patient Navigation - a free program (onsite at cancer centers and remotely through our office) that ensures no young adult ever faces cancer alone. We provide one-on-one support & resources to young adults and their families to help them manage the cancer experience and long-term cancer survival.

Scholarships - a financial assistance program to help young adults continue their education after being affected by cancer through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one.

Your donation will help make these programs and our mission possible!

Name Date Amount Comments
Anonymous Friend 05/04/2018 $50.00 Sandy & Doug Holcomb
Anonymous Friend 04/26/2018 $50.00 Randy Walters
Judy Ligthart 04/19/2018 $100.00  
Doug Brave 04/18/2018 $75.00  
Diane Arsenault 04/15/2018 $50.00 Show them how it’s done Brian.
Eric & Imelda Tanuan 04/14/2018 $100.00 Go Brian Go!
Kevin Kraft 04/13/2018 $100.00 Good luck Brian!! What a great cause!
Anonymous Friend 04/13/2018 $25.00 Scott and Nikki Holland
Kent Brave 04/12/2018 $50.00 This is going to be an incredible experience! Take it all in! Proud of you
Barbara Decker 04/10/2018 $250.00 Best of luck Brian. We will be there with you in spirit!! Keith and Barb
Donna Ryan 04/10/2018 $50.00 Best of luck Brian!!!! You are an amazing inspiration to all of those young adults that you are supporting in this bike ride. I am coming down to NC this week and will be going to 11 Mass at Holy Infant on 4/15. I may come early to see some of the 8:30 attendees. Donna
Susan Short 04/09/2018 $150.00  
Wanda Hall 04/06/2018 $25.00 You've got this Brian Big Ole hugs from Texas
Colleen Harvey 04/06/2018 $200.00 Best of luck to you.
Brian Brave 04/04/2018 $.00  
Brian Brave 04/04/2018 $.00  
Anonymous Friend 04/04/2018 $100.00 Brian, you’re an inspiration to so many! Ride on, my friend. S and B
Anonymous Friend 03/30/2018 $250.00 Skip & Jan Heninger
Anonymous Friend 03/30/2018 $30.00 Jerry & Carol Egan
Betty Silvia 03/25/2018 $50.00 You are remarkable Brian!
Anonymous Friend 03/24/2018 $500.00 BILL & JILL DUFOUR
Keely Ireland 03/22/2018 $20.00 Welcome to the K2K family! Remember you have to go slow to go fast!
Anonymous Friend 03/17/2018 $50.00  
Kristin Nance 03/17/2018 $25.00 I am so proud of you, Brian! Your last name "Brave" suits you more and more as time goes on.
Brian Brave 03/12/2018 $75.00 Lyn and John Streck
Randy Brave 03/10/2018 $50.00 Wish you well in this quest......
Tim Gesse 03/10/2018 $100.00 Way to go Brian.
Anonymous Friend 03/09/2018 $50.00 Best wishes to you Brian.
Fearless Solutions 03/09/2018 $240.00 More donations from Fearless!
Fearless Solutions 03/08/2018 $640.00 Brian, Fearless Solutions is proud to support your effort and remember the loved ones you're honoring with your ride. - Jon, Delali & the Fearless Herd
Michael Natoli 03/07/2018 $100.00  
Rachel M Basham 03/07/2018 $100.00  
Brian Brave 03/07/2018 $40.00 Jerry and Diane Gerding
Kelly Nichols 03/03/2018 $100.00  
Timothy J Ritchie 03/01/2018 $100.00  
Anonymous Friend 02/28/2018 $50.00 Way to go, Brian! You are an inspiration to all of us.
Paula Burgess 02/26/2018 $20.00 Wishing you the best Brian.
Brian Brave 02/25/2018 $500.00 Bud McQueen - Good Luck!
Mary & Al Vinson 02/25/2018 $50.00 You are an inspiration, Brian! Be assured of our love and support as you make this journey.
Brian Brave 02/20/2018 $100.00  
Barry Brave 02/17/2018 $50.00 Good Luck Brian!
Dan & Maureen Schmidt 02/15/2018 $250.00  
Sheila McCoy 02/13/2018 $100.00  
Brian Brave 02/11/2018 $25.00 Elizabeth Hicks
Brian Brave 02/11/2018 $50.00 Earl and Fran Hadden
Becky Lane 02/10/2018 $50.00 Good luck Brian! We're proud of you!!
Carla Wright 02/10/2018 $100.00 Good luck, Brian! My entire family is cheering you on.
Brian Brave 02/09/2018 $100.00 Uncle Jerry and Aunt Sharon
Brian Brave 02/09/2018 $20.00 Uncle Bud
Larry & Judy Brave 02/09/2018 $50.00 Good Luck Brian , our prayers are with you
Brian Brave 02/07/2018 $20.00 Uncle Bed
Megan Bilbrey 02/05/2018 $50.00 We are so honored to watch your journey and we are praying for you.
Brian Brave 02/01/2018 $100.00 Donation from Ruth Stanton
Donna Brouillet 01/31/2018 $100.00 Have an amazing ride! God bless!
Priscilla Meisel 01/30/2018 $100.00  
Brian Brave 01/30/2018 $30.00 Donation from Michele Manzo Mississauga, Canada
Tom Meents 01/29/2018 $100.00 Brian, my old running buddy, a truly honorable endeavor, helping those less fortunate, in the memory of your brother. Keep at it.
Christine King 01/28/2018 $100.00 from the lyrics of the Pixar/Disney movie"Brave" "Where dark woods hide secrets, And mountains are fierce and bold, Deep waters hold reflections, Of times lost long ago..... I will hear their every story, Take hold of my own dream, Be as strong as the seas are stormy, And proud as an eagle's scream. ....... I will ride, I will fly Chase the wind and touch the sky. Cheering you on , Brian Christine
James McBride 01/28/2018 $100.00  
Tom Clifton 01/26/2018 $100.00  
Paul Backer 01/24/2018 $100.00 Cheering you on to reach every goal in your amazing journey.
Sam and Carol Ann Applegate 01/24/2018 $50.00 We send our love and prayers for your successful treatment and ride.
John Backer 01/23/2018 $100.00 Keep creating memories Brian!
Peter S Grant 01/23/2018 $50.00 Welcome to the 2018 K2K Team!!!
Tom & Alice Hatting 01/23/2018 $25.00 Good luck in all your battles.
Tom Sedlak 01/22/2018 $50.00 What an adventure it will be..good luck!We are behind you.
Dan Trost 01/22/2018 $50.00 Brian Brave, good luck in your ride and treatment! Thinking of you.
Brittany Wadford 01/22/2018 $10.00  
Missy Phillip 01/21/2018 $25.00 Best of luck on your adventure, Brian! You got this!!
Mike Ritchie 01/21/2018 $100.00  
Ron Brown 01/21/2018 $50.00  
Ronald Jhu 01/21/2018 $50.00 Brave indeed! Best wishes from Canada.
Jen Siewers 01/20/2018 $25.00 Good Luck Brian!
Janis Mahoney Russell 01/20/2018 $50.00 Many prayers for you and your family for both of these journeys
Mike L Krumwiede 01/20/2018 $50.00 God's Speed, Brian. Be safe.
Marge Dooley 01/20/2018 $50.00 Our prayers are with you Brian and Roberta. Marge and Jim
Alan Webber 01/20/2018 $50.00 Stay strong, Brian - Alan & Dawn
Jack Modrak 01/20/2018 $100.00  
Chris Kunkle 01/20/2018 $50.00 Prayers
Rita King 01/20/2018 $100.00 You've got this Dad...we love you!
Marla Petersen Seto 01/20/2018 $50.00 Good luck, Brian!
Alek Brave 01/19/2018 $10.00  
Scott Sweeney 01/19/2018 $50.00 Sorry to hear of your troubles, but encourage to you stay positive. I admire your determination.
Carol Owen 01/19/2018 $25.00  
Michael and Rosemary Somich 01/17/2018 $50.00  
Tom Mazzeo 01/16/2018 $50.00  
Susan Locke 01/15/2018 $100.00 Good Luck Brian! We support you all the way!
WR FITZGERALD 01/11/2018 $25.00  
Thomas Goehl 01/11/2018 $100.00  
  Total $7,805.00