This April 14th-21st, I've committed to riding my bike from Baltimore, MD to Key West, FL to honor my son Cameron, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin's Small B Cell Lymphoma one year ago (January 22, 2017). Although this trip doesn't log the entire 1,500 miles, I will ride a long distance each day, then be transported to another town to continue the ride. Along the way the group will stop to see patients who are struggling with cancer to try and inspire them to continue their fight. Cameron won't be riding with me but is very excited about the number of donors who have contributed.
As most of you know, Cameron spent a good part of six grueling months at Johns Hopkins Hospital, where he had one bad break after another. He endured the second most rigorous chemotherapy administered at Hopkins, had emergency bowel surgery, lost 50 pounds and all his hair, and wasn't able to spend a night at home for most of the first three months. He never gave up.
Cameron has become an inspiration to me, his mother, sister, step-parents, family, friends, teachers, coaches, acquaintances and even strangers. He's now a healthy 21 year old; and after all this, just missed one semester of college. He did very well his first semester back at school with straight A's and his weight and hair are back to normal. He has a totally new outlook on life! Each day brings something new and Cameron is embracing every moment.
I now embark on this journey to raise money to help other kids fight the same battle as Cameron. Cancer is a horrific disease that knows no boundaries. It doesn't care if you're young, smart, funny and full of life. It will try to take you at all costs. The Ulman Cancer Fund provides FREE support for families and patients trying to cope with cancer which is a huge gift.
I would appreciate your support with this great cause.
The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, impacted by cancer. With your support, the Ulman Cancer Fund is able to provide free support services and resources for the young adult cancer community including:
Cancer to 5K - a 12-week training program designed to introduce or reintroduce cancer survivors to physical activity.
UCF House - a “home away from home” to provide free housing for young adult cancer patients, and their caregivers, in East Baltimore.
Patient Navigation - a free program (onsite at cancer centers and remotely through our office) that ensures no young adult ever faces cancer alone. We provide one-on-one support & resources to young adults and their families to help them manage the cancer experience and long-term cancer survival.
Scholarships - a financial assistance program to help young adults continue their education after being affected by cancer through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one.
Your donation will help make these programs and our mission possible!
Supporters | |||
Name | Date | Amount | Comments |
Susan H Schmitt | 04/22/2018 | $25.00 | William Boyer | 04/22/2018 | $100.00 | Cameron Riegel | 04/17/2018 | $150.00 | Melissa Back Tamburo | 04/15/2018 | $50.00 | Tom Ritter | 04/15/2018 | $100.00 | Have a great ride and don’t forget to floss | Dominick Dunnigan | 04/02/2018 | $100.00 | Tailwinds always! Enjoy the trip. | Matthew Fischer | 03/30/2018 | $50.00 | Keely Ireland | 03/22/2018 | $20.00 | Welcome to the K2K family!! | Anonymous Friend | 03/10/2018 | $100.00 | Good luck with the ride and thanks for supporting such a great cause. | Andrew Wolfe | 03/05/2018 | $50.00 | Anonymous Friend | 03/03/2018 | $100.00 | David Warnock | 02/28/2018 | $500.00 | Agatha Tawaststjerna | 02/27/2018 | $200.00 | Chuck Yearley | 02/25/2018 | $150.00 | Dave, Have a great ride for such a worthy cause. Brook & Chuck | Cameron Riegel | 02/25/2018 | $100.00 | In honor of a courageous young man | Juliet Miller | 02/25/2018 | $50.00 | Go Dave Go! Love this fabulous idea and tribute to Cameron! Sooo Happy To hear that Cam is thriving ❌⭕️ Julie &Skip | Karen Riegel and Carlos Anzola | 02/24/2018 | $200.00 | So thankful for Cameron's full recovery and for your shared desire to support other families who are walking the path you've walked. Much love to you all! | Karen Sugar | 02/23/2018 | $25.00 | Way to go, Dad. | Bay Country Professional Concrete LLC | 02/21/2018 | $250.00 | William Lynch | 02/13/2018 | $50.00 | on your left | Bobby Lundy | 02/13/2018 | $1,000.00 | Wow !!! What a great thing to do. Wishing you and Cameron all good luck and much fun. Ride the bike every day like you stole it Dave; you'll get maximum miles in that way. So you won't need the SAG to drive you to town. Be safe and enjoy your trip | Mary Moore | 02/12/2018 | $100.00 | Ride On! | Doug Miller | 02/11/2018 | $25.00 | Dave & Cameron, The very best to you both! | Rebecca Marsden | 02/05/2018 | $100.00 | Craig Bugg | 02/05/2018 | $50.00 | Ride on Dave! Godspeed Best wishes to Cameron! | Bill and Melinda Colonna | 02/01/2018 | $100.00 | Hey Dave- So happy for Cameron's recovery and new outlook on life. Have a great trip and stay in the correct lane. Be safe. Bill | John Dykstra | 02/01/2018 | $150.00 | Good luck with the ride | Cindy Donn | 01/31/2018 | $50.00 | Jeff would love to go on a training ride with you...I'd be happy to transport the bikes after the ride:) | George & Barbara Brstilo | 01/31/2018 | $200.00 | Anonymous Friend | 01/30/2018 | $18.00 | So many brave fighters have lost their battles. I am so glad your son, with G-d's blessings, has won his. | Kurt Overton | 01/30/2018 | $100.00 | Dave - hope you have a most inspired ride and so very happy that Cameron is back at school! The Overton Family | Lisa Watkins-Fife | 01/30/2018 | $112.00 | I think your goal has been met! Have a wonderful ride!!! Enjoy this amazing adventure! | Levern Nichols Jr | 01/30/2018 | $100.00 | Fuel up on that Riegel Diesel ! ! ! Enjoy the journey guy. | Gillian and Bob Babb | 01/30/2018 | $250.00 | David Berg | 01/30/2018 | $500.00 | ON BEHALF OF THE BERG CORPORATION AND DAVID BERG, CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST OF LUCK NOW AND IN ALL FUTURE ENDEAVORS | Laurie C. Lessans | 01/29/2018 | $350.00 | Life is fragile at its best. Our children who are fragile at their best need our support. Thank you for asking me to donate. | Bonnie Huott | 01/29/2018 | $200.00 | So glad Cameron is doing well! Dave and Bonnie Huott | Marcy Hershon | 01/29/2018 | $18.00 | In the Hebrew language, each letter corresponds to a number. Chai, which means life, is composed of the letters chet and yud. Chet is the eighth letter and yud is the tenth. When added together, chai equals eighteen. So in honor of Cameron Will and I are donating Chai | Sara Noon | 01/29/2018 | $50.00 | Butch and Tina Darrell | 01/29/2018 | $20.00 | Rick and Andrea Davison | 01/29/2018 | $500.00 | Roland Harvey | 01/28/2018 | $500.00 | Elaine Roman | 01/28/2018 | $100.00 | What a beautiful gift. Ride well and safe! | Bonnie Hissey | 01/28/2018 | $50.00 | Wishing Cameron and your family a healthy and long life ahead. | Joyce Riegel | 01/27/2018 | $200.00 | Prayers for a safe ride. Hugs to all bikers! Enjoy the scenery - have fun! | Cameron Riegel | 01/27/2018 | $100.00 | Adele Richer | 01/27/2018 | $250.00 | Cash Cash | 01/25/2018 | $20.00 | Mary Burgess | 01/25/2018 | $50.00 | Enjoy the ride! So fun! | Teresa Rice | 01/25/2018 | $25.00 | Dear Dave - you are amazing! Ride your heart out! | Gero Verheyen | 01/25/2018 | $50.00 | Good on you Dave for taking on this adventure and mission with Cameron. Ride safe and keep the rubber side down. | Cathy Burns | 01/25/2018 | $50.00 | What a wonderful Father/Son adventure. Safe travels | Alexandra Heddinger | 01/24/2018 | $100.00 | Happy to hear Cameron is doing well. Good luck with your ride- you’re doing a great thing. | Patrick Gordinier | 01/24/2018 | $200.00 | Dave, So sorry to hear of Cameron's battle but thrilled all seems to be going well. Happy to support your ride and good luck! | Dave Kehring | 01/24/2018 | $300.00 | I was honored to wear my "Breakaway Cameron" wristband during his fight and so happy to be able to remove it when Cameron beat the cancer. Very proud of Dave for doing this and paying it forward. | Jeannie Pohlhaus-Miser | 01/24/2018 | $100.00 | Congratulations Cameron...you are an inspiration to the rest of us. | Melissa Riorda | 01/24/2018 | $300.00 | We will always be here to support Cameron | Babs Roznowski | 01/24/2018 | $25.00 | Grateful for prayers answered. | Kim & Jeff Johnson | 01/24/2018 | $50.00 | Wow, what an awesome challenge Dave! Keep us posted on the journey! Hugs to Cameron. | Dana Collins | 01/23/2018 | $50.00 | Brad and Ginny Barnhart | 01/23/2018 | $150.00 | Peter S Grant | 01/23/2018 | $50.00 | In honor of Cameron. | alison stern | 01/22/2018 | $100.00 | RIDE LIKE THE WIND! SO HAPPY THAT CAMERON IS DOING SO WELL | Colin Devine | 01/22/2018 | $500.00 | Anne O’Mallley Neuhaus | 01/22/2018 | $100.00 | Good luck on your journey! So glad to hear that Cameron is doing well. Our thoughts are with you ❤️ |
Total | $9,783.00 |