Two years ago I received one of the biggest shocks of my life: I had cancer. Since that day I've endured 4 months of agressive chemo, multiple surgeries, scans, tests, transfusions and now 18 months of continued fighting to regain and maintain my health. Throughout this period in my life my friends and family have supported me, but so have the awesome people from Ulman. I've walked and run two 5ks through the Cancer to 5K program, and been to many Where YA Meet events, along with other events. I'm very excited to join the 2018 Key to Keys ride to give other cancer patients, survivors, and their supporters the chance to benefit from the variety of services offered by UCF.
The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, impacted by cancer. With your support, the Ulman Cancer Fund is able to provide free support services and resources for the young adult cancer community including:
Cancer to 5K - a 12-week training program designed to introduce or reintroduce cancer survivors to physical activity.
UCF House - a “home away from home” to provide free housing for young adult cancer patients, and their caregivers, in East Baltimore.
Patient Navigation - a free program (onsite at cancer centers and remotely through our office) that ensures no young adult ever faces cancer alone. We provide one-on-one support & resources to young adults and their families to help them manage the cancer experience and long-term cancer survival.
Scholarships - a financial assistance program to help young adults continue their education after being affected by cancer through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one.
Your donation will help make these programs and our mission possible!
Supporters | |||
Name | Date | Amount | Comments |
David Benna | 04/30/2018 | $200.00 | Happy to help | Umesh KC | 04/30/2018 | $50.00 | Thank you Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults | Patty Nowak | 04/25/2018 | $30.00 | Keep the faith and continue fighting | Michele McCullouch | 04/24/2018 | $50.00 | 2 years and counting! | Anonymous Friend | 04/22/2018 | $35.00 | Way to go, Emma! | John Shephard | 04/22/2018 | $50.00 | You’re an inspiration to us all! Congratulations on an awesome week of riding. | Joshua Goldman | 04/22/2018 | $36.00 | Anonymous Friend | 04/22/2018 | $10.00 | Trish Ernst | 04/21/2018 | $25.00 | Emma, you and the others are amazing. I feel blessed to have met you outside of St. Augustine, where you had a picture taken with my dear friend and cancer survivor, Sharon Cahoon. I know we all look forward to the day when bike rides are for nothing other than pleasure. May you and all of your fellow bikers be surrounded with light and love, and may this journey provide for you the enormous inspiration you have provided to the rest of us. | Anonymous Friend | 04/21/2018 | $25.00 | Sharon Cahoon | 04/20/2018 | $100.00 | It was fun and an honor to meet you all at the park in St Augustine. I treasure the bracelet you gave me and excited to follow your inspirational journey! Sharon | Mark Tough | 04/20/2018 | $30.00 | Ride on! | Anonymous Friend | 04/20/2018 | $25.00 | Anonymous Friend | 04/19/2018 | $2.00 | Peter S Grant | 04/19/2018 | $300.00 | Emma, congratulations on your 3 year cancerversary!!! | Anonymous Friend | 04/19/2018 | $5.00 | Kirsten Smith | 04/19/2018 | $25.00 | You are truly amazing and such an inspiration to me. Remember since Day 1 that "I naturally gravitate towards ya." Happy Anniversary and way to go K2K2018!!!! | Marilyn Liebegott | 04/19/2018 | $50.00 | Good luck, Emma! So happy for you and your family that you are beating this! | Puru Vonteru | 04/19/2018 | $50.00 | Good Luck Emma | Samrat Mondal | 04/19/2018 | $50.00 | Bonnie Greb | 04/19/2018 | $100.00 | Amazing young lady! Keep the faith. | Nicki Magnuson | 04/18/2018 | $10.00 | Kudos from a fellow sleep tech. :) | Benjamin Rouse | 04/18/2018 | $20.00 | Good luck with the rest of the ride, Emma! | Anonymous Friend | 04/17/2018 | $100.00 | Vadim Kashtelyan | 04/15/2018 | $54.00 | Good luck on the ride! Take in the sites:) | Gladys Freedman | 04/15/2018 | $100.00 | Best wishes always | Henri Goettel | 04/15/2018 | $36.00 | You just keep on pedaling, Emma! | Erika Schon | 04/15/2018 | $36.00 | Camilla Allison | 04/14/2018 | $100.00 | Good luck Emma! | Daniel Dwire | 04/13/2018 | $100.00 | Welcome to the fam | Emily Goldman | 04/12/2018 | $.00 | Anonymous Friend | 04/12/2018 | $500.00 | Emily Goldman | 04/08/2018 | $.00 | Faye Kelberg | 04/03/2018 | $25.00 | Peder Aursand | 03/25/2018 | $50.00 | Good luck on the ride! | Cash Cash | 03/24/2018 | $360.00 | Lorrie Jakubik | 03/11/2018 | $50.00 | You are amazing Emma! Best wishes for a great ride!!! | Blake Hornbrook | 03/11/2018 | $50.00 | Pedal your ass off, you deserve it! You've earned this experience! Make sure you share your story and enjoy every moment. I'm proud of you and your battle that you've been kicking ass! | Sam's Italian Restaurant, LLC | 03/10/2018 | $125.00 | Rhiannon Napoli | 03/09/2018 | $40.00 | Do great things Foster Mom! Love, Fitz and Poe (Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy <3) | Alan & Liz Scott | 03/05/2018 | $25.00 | Keep smiling that beautiful smile Emma, we love you. | Brian LaCour | 02/27/2018 | $50.00 | Dave Kadis | 02/27/2018 | $25.00 | So proud to see how far you have come from the beginning of your journey. Absolutely an honor to be your friend! Truly an inspiration for me and others! Kick this race in the ass!! We will celebrate when you get back! | Joshua Goldman | 02/25/2018 | $25.00 | Anonymous Friend | 02/25/2018 | $50.00 | You're amazing. Never stop. | Gregg Nass | 02/25/2018 | $50.00 | Feel yourself beating cancer one pedal rotation at a time! | Lonni Goldman | 02/24/2018 | $100.00 | So excited for you, Emma! You are brave and can conquer this ride like you conquered cancer. | Tamer Khalil | 02/24/2018 | $50.00 | It’s my pleasure to know such a strong person like you Emma. Personally i have strong cancer fighters in my family, and i will be happy support you and support your cause. | Lisa Barber | 02/24/2018 | $20.00 | Anonymous Friend | 02/24/2018 | $25.00 | Kerry Joyce | 01/27/2018 | $10.00 | Jennifer Aubel | 01/26/2018 | $100.00 | I'm so impressed by everything you have done since your diagnosis to support the young adult cancer community. Compared to what you went through in 2016, this bike ride will be cake! We'll text you updates on Nationals while you ride. :) | Cordelia Price | 01/26/2018 | $100.00 | Having several cancer survivors in my family I am happy to support my fellow gymnerd Emma. | Laurie Simmons | 01/26/2018 | $25.00 | Good luck, Emma! | Anonymous Friend | 01/26/2018 | $50.00 | You are a mighty warrior! Also, try not to pull a Mary Lou with the biking while streaming : ) | Susannah Boyland | 01/26/2018 | $25.00 | You're incredible, Emma! The gymternet supports you :) | Leah Aursand | 01/09/2018 | $50.00 | Celeste Fine | 12/26/2017 | $50.00 | Go Emma! Grandma | Peter S Grant | 12/18/2017 | $50.00 | Emma, welcome to the 2018 K2K Team!!! | Joan Goldman | 12/17/2017 | $50.00 | We are so proud of you Emma! |
Total | $3,934.00 |