Jim Mitchell's Fundraising Page
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Jim Mitchell's Fundraising Page
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Hello to all our dear friends!  Most of you know about the journey Kimberly and I have been on these last two years.  One that took us from a strange diagnosis of a rare neurological disorder - through a possible cancer diagnosis, to a full on cancer diagnosis and back surgery - through a stem cell transplant, to a reboot of Jim 2.0! It's been quite the journey, but our Lord, Jesus Christ has blessed us with the love and support of all of you!  To that end, we'd like to ask for your support one more time. 

As many of you also know, for the last several years we have been raising money for the Ulman Cancer Fund's Team Fight program.  An organization that supports young adults and their families dealing with cancer.  The irony of that is not lost on us - we starting working with Team Fight several years before my diagnosis.  And even though UCF is generally focused on Young Adults, that didn't stop them from helping us when I was diagnosed  They have been just as committed to supporting us in this journey as they have for any young adult.  Besides, I'm really not ready to admit I'm not a young adult any more - but I digress. 

This year, to honor other cancer survivors, and to celebrate my successful reboot, Kimberly and I are entering the Baltimore Running Festival to complete the 1/2 marathon on Oct. 18th.  We are looking to raise $1000 together to support Team Fight.  We would love it if you donated to this awesome cause.  Even $10 goes a long way.  

We thank you in advance, and we thank God for the blessing that is you! 

Jim & Kimberly


ABOUT Baltimore Running Festival - TEAM FIGHT 2014

The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, as they fight cancer and embrace survivorship. 

With your support, The Ulman Cancer Fund is able to provide multiple support services and resources for the young adult cancer community, including: 

  • Cancer to 5K - A free, progressive, 12-week run/walk program designed to reintroduce cancer survivors to physical activity.

  • Helping Others Fight - A volunteer program that provides basic services – such as transportation to and from treatment, yard work, home repairs, delivery of chemo care bags – to local cancer patients and their families so they can focus their energy on their battle with cancer and their well-being.

  • Patient Navigation - A free program - onsite at cancer centers and remote - that ensures no young adult ever faces cancer alone.  We provide one-on-one personal support and resources to young adults and their families to help them manage the cancer experience and long-term cancer survival. 

  • Scholarships - A financial assistance program to help young adults continue their education after being affected by cancer through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one.

Thank you for making these programs and our mission possible.



Name Date Amount Comments
Kimball Zimmerman 10/15/2014 $25.00 Get plenty of rest before Saturday!
Van Dyke Family Foundation 09/26/2014 $1,000.00  
Karen Newey 09/23/2014 $25.00 GOOD LUCK!! I know you can do it!!!
Anonymous Friend 09/23/2014 $25.00  
Katie Allender 09/23/2014 $10.00  
Michele & Daryl Hendricks 09/23/2014 $30.00 Best Wishes! I know you guys will do great!
Adina Konheim 09/22/2014 $30.00  
Melody Chang 09/22/2014 $25.00 Best of luck to you two!
Evan Goldstein 09/22/2014 $25.00 Good Luck!
Marie Vazquez 09/19/2014 $25.00 Good luck !! Sergio, Gabriel & I will see you there.
Carolyn Laurenzo 09/19/2014 $25.00 In love and honor of My Maryland Fighters Jim Mitchell, Amy Babst and Jessica P!
Shuntae McKelvin 09/19/2014 $15.00 So happy to see you back out there!
Heather Beutel 09/19/2014 $50.00 The Mitchell's ROCK! Love you guys. Have an awesome race.
  Total $1,310.00