Lisa Serafini's Fundraising Page
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Lisa Serafini's Fundraising Page
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I will "FIGHT" for those who can't! 

Well I am at it again!  Supporting the research as well as the friends and family of cancer victims.  This year I will be competing in an Olympic Triathlon in the Fall with “Team Fight” of the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults.  An Olympic Triathlon (1 Mile Swim, 25 Mile Bike and a 6.2 Mile Run) is  a real physical challenge for me but it is nothing compared to the physical and mental challenges that are faced by a person diagnosed with cancer.   And even more dramatic is a young adult in the beginning of their life receiving this diagnosis and not having anywhere to turn.  The Ulman Cancer Fund is here to help those individuals. To enhance the lives of young cancer patients through support, education and raising awareness of the unique issues faced by them. 

So, please support me in this effort by making a donation.  Thanks!

The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, as they fight cancer and embrace survivorship. 

With your support, The Ulman Cancer Fund is able to provide multiple support services and resources for the young adult cancer community, including: 

  • Cancer to 5K - A free, progressive, 12-week run/walk program designed to reintroduce cancer survivors to physical activity.

  • Helping Others Fight - A volunteer program that provides basic services – such as transportation to and from treatment, yard work, home repairs, delivery of chemo care bags – to local cancer patients and their families so they can focus their energy on their battle with cancer and their well-being.

  • Patient Navigation - A free program - onsite at cancer centers and remote - that ensures no young adult ever faces cancer alone.  We provide one-on-one personal support and resources to young adults and their families to help them manage the cancer experience and long-term cancer survival. 

  • Scholarships - A financial assistance program to help young adults continue their education after being affected by cancer through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one.

Thank you for making these programs and our mission possible.



Name Date Amount Comments
Autumn Serafini 09/05/2014 $10.00 Go Aunt Lisa!!! Good Luck :) xoxo
Amelia Ditch 09/05/2014 $100.00 Your doing this is amazing! Thank you.
Lisa Scrivener 09/04/2014 $10.00 GO LISA!!! You got this, girl!! Kick some A!!!
Don & Winnie Brugman 09/04/2014 $25.00  
Donnie & Betty Allen 08/15/2014 $50.00 Lisa, What a blessing it is to have a family member so passionately fighting for such a great cause every year. We love you!
Denise Walters 08/14/2014 $20.00 Good luck, Lisa and have fun.
Lucy & Duke Panzer 08/14/2014 $50.00 Wow, Lisa, what a commitment! You go, Girl!!!
Richard Dempster 08/14/2014 $100.00 Run for Cancer, Lisa, run and run!
Roosevelt George 08/14/2014 $25.00  
Denise Watkins 08/13/2014 $50.00  
Tim and Joanna Allen 08/13/2014 $50.00 You are an Iron Woman!!!
Christa Matte 04/29/2014 $50.00 Good luck!
  Total $540.00